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Claim! Solitaire is played on a special board with a random selection of playing pieces or tiles, chosen from a pool of 76 different ones. Each tile contains 9 square units of area (3 x 3), divided in various ways by heavy lines which represent boundary fences.

As each random tile is displayed in the preview area, you play it onto the board, placing the tiles such that you can enclose as much territory as possible. The larger the territory you claim, the more points you score. For example, if you only enclose an area of 2 square units, you score 3 points, whereas if you enclose an area of 15 square units, you score 120 points, and for an area of 30 square units, you score 465 points.

Fences at the edge of the board and fences around islands within the playing area count as boundaries for the purposes of enclosing an area, but you cannot claim the green islands as territory.

Click here to download the install file for Claim Solitaire